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Fulvic Acid for Plants: Boost Plant Health & Growth Naturally

Fulvic Acid for Plants: Boost Plant Health & Growth Naturally

The connection between soil and plant roots is intricate. To effectively absorb necessary nutrients, the majority of roots rely on appropriate pH levels, moisture, and concentrations.

Even when in the presence of these ideal conditions, the roots might struggle to get the moisture and nutrients they need because the soil texture is not right. That’s where fulvic acid comes in.

Is fulvic acid good for plants? Fulvic acid is essential for photosynthesis. It promotes robust root development and enriches the soil with iron and magnesium. The acid increases the moisture and nutrient uptake of the roots, which leads to healthier growth. The iron content prevents chlorosis in some plants.

If you have never used fulvic acid before in your garden, your plants might be missing out. Read more to find out all about fulvic acid and how to use it to amend the soil and boost plant health.

Fulvic Acid for Plants

Fulvic acid is a naturally occurring compound that can be found in river beds and in trace amounts in the soil in the garden.

Its main job is to enhance the ability of the roots to absorb nutrients and moisture in the soil.

It does this by transporting iron ions into the roots through its chelating action. Both iron and magnesium are prerequisites in the leaves for photosynthesis. 

The honey-colored fulvic acid is usually extracted from humic soil in the forest. It amends the soil environment and allows the plants to benefit from the soil nutrients even if they’re in trace amounts. 

Effect of Fulvic Acid on Plants

When amending the soil with fulvic acid, you’ll notice that the plants grow faster and the fruits are tastier and larger in size. This has to do with the improved root development of the plant.

The acid triggers the roots to secrete more acids that bind with the nutrients and minerals in the soil to increase the plant’s uptake.

It also saves on fertilizers, since the plant can get nutrients even in relatively poor soil.

Humic Acid vs. Fulvic Acid

Humic acid is part of humus. It tends to congeal and is sold in granular form or as a liquid. The acid clings to the ions of minerals in the soil to help the roots absorb them.

Its main benefit is preventing nutrient lockout in the soil. 

Fulvic acid is also extracted from the soil, but it’s water soluble and works with all pH levels. It comes in two forms: liquid and powder.

It doesn’t fertilize the plants, but it provides the two necessary elements for photosynthesis, namely magnesium and iron ions.

Fulvic Acid Benefits

Fulvic acid has many benefits for plants. When adding it to the soil in the right proportions, you will notice immediate improvements in the soil and plants.

Here are some of these benefits.

  • Better root health. The acid stimulates root growth and improves the root system of the plant, which increases moisture and nutrient absorption. 
  • Enhanced seed germination. When added to the soil, potting mix, or growing medium, fulvic acid has increased the germination success rate of the seeds and shortened the time needed for the seeds to sprout.
  • Improved nutrient uptake. This is the main benefit of the acid. It binds to the nutrients in the soil to prevent lockout and increase the nutrient uptake of the roots.
  • Better photosynthesis. The iron and magnesium ions in the fulvic acid are essential components for photosynthesis.

Is Fulvic Acid a Fertilizer?

Fulvic acid doesn’t contain nutrients per se. It’s not a fertilizer or a plant food supplement. It simply improves the plant’s uptake of nutrients from the soil by preventing nutrient lockout.

Does Fulvic Acid Lower pH?

Fulvic acid contains quinone groups and hydroxyl groups. Both of these groups help lower the pH of the soil. This works well for most plants that thrive in slightly acidic soil.

Does Fulvic Acid Increase Yield?

Improved yield, larger fruits, and brighter flowers are all by-products of the increased uptake of nutrients, the improved root system growth, and the more efficient photosynthesis of the leaves.

Adding fulvic acid to the soil brings out these improvements to the plant’s structure as well as the texture of the soil.

Even though fulvic acid is not a fertilizer, it helps the plant make the most out of the nutrients and moisture in the soil.

What Plants Benefit From Fulvic Acid

Generally speaking, all plants that rely on photosynthesis will benefit from fulvic acid. If your plant has green leaves, chances are it will benefit from a moderate dose of folic acid.

Heavy feeders, such as onions, broccoli, sunflowers, cabbage, and tomatoes, need fertile soil rich in organic materials and nutrients.

The presence of fulvic acid in the soil allows the plants to get enough nutrition even if the soil is not rich.

When To Apply Fulvic Acid for Plants

You should apply fulvic acid when planting or transplanting seedlings. It lessens the transportation shock and helps the plants take much faster.

You can also add it to the irrigation water and water the plants throughout the spring and summer.

How Often To Use Fulvic Acid on Plants

Ideally, you should apply fulvic acid once every two weeks.

I recommend Mr. Fulvic Organic Fulvic Acid Plant Amendment. Of course organic is always best, but this particular formulation also provides trace minerals and essential amino acids.

How To Use Fulvic Acid for Plants

One of the advantages of using fulvic acid is that it has broad applications in various types of plant-growing methodologies.

From broadacre field and specialty farming and nurseries to greenhouses, golf courses, lawns, and home gardens as well as hydroponics, aeroponics, and aquaponics — you can use fulvic acids with each and every one of those systems.

You can apply it directly to the soil by mixing it with the water and irrigating the plant once every two weeks during the growing season.

Another way to use it is as a foliar spray. The leaves will absorb it quickly, which helps with photosynthesis.

Closing Thoughts

Fulvic acid is an organic compound that boosts the growth of the root system of the plants, prevents nutrient lockout in the soil, and increases the root’s nutrient uptake.

If you’d like to enjoy healthier plants and a more bountiful garden, fulvic acid is definitely worth considering.