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Best Indoor Climbing Plants: List of 33 [With Pictures]

Best Indoor Climbing Plants: List of 33 [With Pictures]

Taking care of an indoor garden requires commitment, but the feeling of satisfaction when admiring the results of your hard work is incomparable.

Going to the nursery is a fun way of learning about new plants, but it can be invaluable to get an idea of what plant you’re looking for ahead of time to ensure that it will fit your space.

Here are 33 of the most beautiful indoor climbing plants and some basic tips on how to provide them with the best care. 

1. Swiss Cheese Plant (Monstera adansonii)

A potted Monstera adansonii viewed from above.

The Swiss cheese plant has become a fan favorite among the indoor plant community because of its low maintenance and beautiful foliage.

Originating from Central and South America, this tropical plant thrives in bright, indirect light and can reach heights between 3 and 8 feet when grown indoors.

Keep your Swiss cheese plant happiest by maintaining as much moisture and humidity as possible.

Mist its leaves regularly in the winter when the air is dryer, and keep its well-draining soil moist, but not soggy. 

2. Creeping Fig (Ficus pumila)

A creeping fig with white edging on the leaves.

Commonly used in landscaping, the creeping fig grows long vines of densely populated leaves when grown indoors. 

This low-maintenance plant has steady but slow growth in its youth but grows more heartily and quickly as it gets older. 

Place your creeping fig in bright, diffused light, and keep it moderately moist year round, allowing the soil to dry out between waterings. 

3. Micans Philodendron (Philodendron scandens ‘Micans’)

Top view of a micans philodendron on a black background.

This tropical climber is an incredibly low-maintenance and fast-growing plant that people commonly grow in hanging planters, allowing the vines to drape across shelves or walls. 

Unlike the other plants on our list so far, the Micans Philodendron prefers slightly less direct light, and while it can tolerate bright, indirect light, too much sun will burn its delicate leaves. 

Water this beauty whenever the top 2 inches of its soil dries out to avoid overwatering and root rot. 

4. English Ivy (Hedera helix)

Hedera helix ‘Goldchild’ ivy with yellow borders.

While English ivy is invasive to the United States and can cause problems when grown outdoors, it can make quite a striking houseplant. 

This ultra low-maintenance climber grows best in the shade, making it a great choice for a less sunny area of your house that other plants may not grow as well in.

Water ivy regularly and whenever you notice the soil is dry. While young plants benefit from humid conditions and may enjoy a misting, they will likely grow just fine without it. 

5. Black-Eyed Susan Vine (Thunbergia alata)

Orange flowers on a black-eyed Susan vine (Thunbergia alata)

The black-eyed Susan vine is a gorgeous and rewarding vine that may flower in the winter, even when grown indoors (assuming indoor temperatures don’t dip below 60°F and it has access to full sunlight). 

This sun-loving vine requires frequent water to keep its soil moist and typically blooms orange flowers but has several varieties with other solid-colored and variegated blossoms. 

Expect frequent pruning if you want to keep your indoor black-eyed Susan vine a manageable size, but this fast-growing beauty is sure to be a great addition to your indoor garden.

6. Angel Wing Jasmine (Jasminum nitidum)

A single white flower of the angel wing jasmine plant.

Angel wing jasmine is a gorgeous flowering vine that is sure to make a statement in your home if well cared for.

However, these climbers are one of the more high-maintenance plants on our list and are best for more intermediate or advanced plant owners. 

If you want your angel wing jasmine to bloom, it will need regular (bi-weekly) fertilizing during its growing season.

Allow the well-draining soil to dry out between waterings as this beauty can be prone to root rot. 

Keep your jasmine in a spot that gets plenty of bright, indirect sunlight, especially in the winter months. Avoid direct sunlight, or its delicate leaves may burn. 

7. Arrowhead Plant (Syngonium podophyllum)

A potted variegated arrowhead plant viewed from above.

Arrowhead plants are fun indoor plants that look especially good when placed near other plants as part of a combination plant display.

This low-maintenance plant has striking leaves shaped like arrowheads and requires very little to survive. 

Your arrowhead plant is a sun-lover and will do best in bright, indirect light, although it will likely be fine in lower light areas. Just expect slower and less impressive growth. 

Avoid overwatering your arrowhead plant, but regularly water its well-drained soil and fertilize frequently during its growing seasons for best results.

If you prefer a bushier plant, prune frequently. 

8. Hindu Rope Plant (Hoya carnosa ‘Compacta’)

The twisted stems and foliage of the Hoya carnosa compacta plant.

The Hindu rope plant is a fun though pricey addition to any indoor plant collection, and it’s perfect for first-time plant owners. These plants are semi-succulents with striking, waxy vines.

If you keep them healthy and ensure they receive sufficient sunlight, they will flower regularly. 

Like all succulents, the rope plant will need less frequent watering to avoid root rot and will do best in well-draining soil in bright, indirect light. 

Don’t expect your Hindu rope plant to outgrow its container any time soon. While beautiful, these plants are quite slow to grow, making them a great choice for small spaces.

9. Golden Pothos (Epipremnum aureum)

Golden Pothos in Bathroom

The Golden pothos is one of the most common houseplants because of its rewarding growth and minimal care requirements; this is one of those rare houseplants that can survive under practically any condition.

However, if you want your golden pothos to thrive and see more rapid growth, place them in bright, indirect sunlight and water them whenever the top few inches of soil get dry.

If you notice the leaves of your pothos wilt and begin to curl inwards, that’s your sign that it’s time for a good watering.

10. Passion Flower (Passiflora spp.)

A stunning blue and white passionflower.

Passion flowers are easy to spot outside, thanks to their striking blooms, and they can be just as special when grown as part of your indoor garden.

However, this plant requires particular care to thrive indoors and is not a “beginner” houseplant.  

Unlike many other plants on this list, passion flowers thrive in direct sunlight and can handle the intense heat when placed directly in a window. 

Regular watering (but not overwatering) and high humidity levels will keep your plant happy as will monthly fertilizing during its growing months.

If you diligently care for your passion flower, it may just bloom, even in an indoor container!

11. Sweet Potato Vine (Ipomoea batatas)

A dense carpet of sweet potato vines.

Sweet potato vines are an excellent option for first-time plant owners as they have very minimal requirements and grow readily. 

Simply place it in an area with bright, indirect light and water it regularly.

This climber prefers moist soil but is actually fairly drought tolerant, so don’t be worried if you have plans to leave town for a few days.

These prolific growers will need regular pruning to keep from overgrowing. Still, you can easily propagate them, so feel free to share with friends or keep multiple plants in different areas of your house.

12. Japanese Ivy (Hedera rhombea)

Japanese ivy with bud clusters.

Similar to English ivy, Japanese ivy makes a very low-maintenance houseplant. Its aerial roots make it an eager climber, and it is perfectly suited for indoor growth. 

It can tolerate virtually any amount of sun, although some bright, indirect light will encourage growth.

Water your Japanese ivy whenever the soil dries out, and offer a trellis or something else to grow on if you want to see it climb! 

13. Krimson Queen Hoya (Hoya carnosa ‘Krimson Queen’)

Hoya Krimson Queen in wicker pot against a black background.

Not to be confused with the Krimson Princess Hoya, the Krimson Queen is a gorgeous climbing plant with striking variegation on its foliage.

Like the Hindu rope plant, the Krimson Queen Hoya does best when planted in a pot with well-draining soil that’s placed in bright, indirect sunlight. 

Allow the top few inches of soil to dry out between watering, and this slow-grower will reward you with beautiful, long vines with waxy leaves.

14. Porcelain Flower Plant (Hoya publicalyx)

A Hoya pubicalyx plant with a large pink flower cluster.

The porcelain flower plant, known also as a wax plant is a rewarding houseplant that can flower if kept in the right conditions.

This plant does best in bright, indirect light with regular watering when the top few inches of soil dries out.

However, you’ll want to make sure to keep the foliage moist for optimum growth, so mist your plant regularly, especially in the wintertime.

If you take good care of your porcelain flower plant, you can expect small clusters of pinkish-white, star-shaped blooms to grow.

15. Monstera Peru (Monstera karstenianum ‘Peru’)

The puckered leaves of the Monstera Peru plant.

The Monstera Peru differs in appearance from many other Monstera types and features long, ridged, dark-green leaves.

It does best grown in bright, indirect light, but can tolerate some lower light than other types of Monsteras.

Don’t go overboard with the watering, but rather, let the top few inches of soil dry out completely between waterings. These humidity-loving plants are excellent choices for areas of your house that have more moisture in the air, such as bathrooms.

16. Lemon Lime Philodendron (Philodendron hederaceum ‘Lemon Lime’)

Close-up view of Lemon Lime Philodendron.

The Lemon-Lime Philodendron will reward you with unbelievably striking yellow leaves.

Sure to be a statement in your home, these Philodendrons will be fine just about anywhere in your house. 

It’s tolerant of lower light, although you may see slower growth, and be sure to allow the top few inches to dry out between waterings.

Regularly pruning vines with patchy leaf growth will ensure that your plant stays healthy and dense. 

17. Satin Pothos (Scindapsus pictus)

Satin Pothos on black.

The satin pothos is another striking plant, characterized by soft, spotted leaves. This eager climber does great in a hanging planter or trellis and requires minimal care.

For optimum growth, place in bright, indirect light as this pothos is sensitive to sunburn.

Allow the top few inches of soil to dry out between watering as they can also be susceptible to root rot, although they appreciate regular misting of their leaves.

18. Pink Princess Philodendron (Philodendron erubescens ‘Pink Princess’)

The lovely Philodendron Pink Princess growing in a tropical setting outdoors.

The Pink Princess Philodendron is a coveted houseplant that may be difficult to get your hands on, but if you are fortunate enough to own these beauties, you’ll enjoy their striking dark-green and pink variegated foliage. 

To ensure your Pink Princess Philodendron maintains its gorgeous variegation, place it somewhere it will get plenty of bright, indirect light.

Water only when the top half of the soil dries out, as this Philodendron is prone to root rot.

19. Wax Ivy (Senecio macroglossus)

A wax ivy plant in red hanging basket.

Wax ivy is an excellent low-maintenance houseplant that is tolerant to a variety of growing conditions.

While it’s called wax ivy, this succulent plant does best in a cactus or succulent soil that dries out between waterings. 

Be careful to avoid root rot, and keep your wax ivy in an area where it receives bright light, and it just may reward you by flowering!

20. Chinese Money Plant (Pilea peperomioides)

A healthy Chinese money plant up close.

Chinese money plants are common houseplants that are fairly low maintenance.

These small, cute plants grow with circular leaves and do best when placed in bright, indirect light. Take care not to burn your Chinese money plant.

Don’t overwater these plants either; it’s best to let the soil dry out almost entirely between waterings. Your plant’s leaves will begin to curl and turn inwards when it needs water.

21. Kangaroo Vine (Cissus antarctica)

The kangaroo vine is a great addition to your houseplant collection as they vine well and have low light requirements.

Once established, these houseplants are resistant to change, so designate an area of your house for your kangaroo vine. 

If you start to notice leggy vines, feel free to trim regularly to promote denser leaf growth.

22. Cinnamon Hoya (Hoya lacunosa)

The flower of the cinnamon hoya plant.

Cinnamon hoyas are low-maintenance houseplants that will reward you with small bunches of white flowers if grown in ideal conditions. 

Similar to the other hoyas on this list, cinnamon hoyas do best when grown in bright, indirect light and don’t enjoy overwatering.

Allow the top few inches of soil to dry out between waterings.

23. Brazil Philodendron (Philodendron hederaceum ‘Brasil’)

Philodendron Brasil leaves with green and yellow coloration on a dark gray background.

Like most philodendrons, the Brazil Philodendron requires low-maintenance care and showcases striking foliage.

These plants grow darker, variegated, heart-shaped leaves and enjoy bright, indirect sunlight for the fastest growth. 

Give your Brazil Philodendron a deep watering every time the top few inches of soil dry out, but ensure to use a well-draining pot and soil mix to avoid root rot. 

24. Algerian Ivy (Hedera canariensis)

Close-up look at Algerian ivy leaves.

As a more striking ivy, the Algerian ivy stands out with its signature dark-green and white variegated leaves that pop against the darker red stems. 

Their care is fairly simple, as they prefer medium light. However, if you notice that the new leaves are not variegated, consider placing your plant in an area with slightly brighter light.

Allow the top few inches of soil to dry out between waterings.

25. Betel Leaf Plant (Piper betle)

Close look at the textured leaves of the Piper betle plant.

Betel leaf plants are beautiful but slightly higher-maintenance houseplants than some of the other plants on our list.

These climbers will not survive in direct sunlight, so find a lower-light area of your house for these plants. Plant your betel leaf plant in well-draining soil, and keep the soil moist.

These tropical plants appreciate high humidity, so feel free to regularly mist leaves, and prune them to keep dense growth. 

26. Mandevilla (Mandevilla splendens)

Pink blooms on a Mandevilla sanderi plant.

Mandevilla plants sport striking red foliage and are fairly easy to care for. Perhaps the most critical thing to remember is to keep your Mandevilla happy with regular watering.

You need well-draining soil, but keep the soil moist to keep the flowers happy and perky.

Place your Mandevilla in an area that gets bright, indirect light, and regularly remove blossoms that have faded and wilted to help the plant reserve energy.

27. Marble Queen Pothos (Epipremnum aureum ‘Marble Queen’)

A Marble Queen Pothos trailing from a navy-blue woven container onto the counter.

Marble Queen pothos is another rewarding, low-maintenance pothos variety.

The leaves are significantly variegated, giving them a marble-like quality. Their care is very similar to other pothos varieties. 

Keep your Marble Queen pothos in bright, indirect light for optimum growth, and water once the top few inches of soil has dried out. Prune leggy vines for a denser look.

28. Bougainvillea (Bougainvillea spp.)

Branch of a pink bougainvillea bursting with flowers.

Bougainvillea is famous for its shockingly bright and beautiful blooms.

Grown indoors, this tropical beauty will have no trouble flowering as long as it has prolonged access to bright, direct light. 

This tropical beauty thrives in the sunlight, so find a nice windowsill for this climber.

Water whenever the top few inches of soil dry out, and regularly mist the leaves during the winter months when indoor humidity is lower.

29. Pink Jasmine (Jasminum polyanthum)

The flowers of pink jasmine up close.

Pink jasmine is another beautiful variety of jasmine that can be grown indoors.

It prefers bright, indirect light but does just fine with an indoor grow lamp if you don’t have an area of your home suitable for its growth.

Water your pink jasmine whenever the top of the soil dries out, and fertilize once a month during its growing season to promote flower growth. 

30. Angel Wing Begonia (Begonia lucerna)

An angel wing cane begonia against a black background.

Angel wing begonias are beautiful indoor plants that offer a lot of variety in their growth.

If you’d prefer your begonia to flower, place it in an area with bright, indirect light, and fertilize it with a phosphorous-rich fertilizer during the growing season.

However, if you’re more attracted to its foliage, keep your begonia in a lower-light area of your home, and use a nitrogen-rich fertilizer during its growing months.

Water when the top few inches of soil dries out.

31. Kangaroo Pocket Plant (Dischidia vidalii)

The kangaroo pocket plant is a densely-growing climbing plant that looks similar to a hoya with long legs that sport thick, heart-shaped leaves.

You can keep this plant somewhere without bright or direct sunlight since it prefers lower light.

Water your kangaroo pocket plant whenever the top few inches of soil dry out, and avoid overwatering.

32. Maidenhair Vine (Muehlenbeckia complexa)

A maidenhair vine (Muehlenbeckia axillaris) in sunlight with a light-blue background.

Maidenhair vine, also known as the angel vine, is a climbing plant with tiny, heart-shaped leaves that grow densely on its vines.

Growing up to 3 feet without pruning, this small plant will flower in proper conditions. 

Keep your maidenhair vine somewhere that it has plenty of bright, direct light, and water when you notice the top of the soil is dry.

Watch for densely growing leaves and blooms to ensure your plant is getting enough sunlight.

33. Mini Monstera (Rhaphidophora tetrasperma)

A healthy Rhaphidophora tetrasperma plant in a brown pot perched on a stool.

Last but not least, the mini monstera is a fan favorite among houseplant lovers.

Characterized by leaves that look like tiny monsteras, this unrelated houseplant is a low-maintenance and prolific grower. 

These climbers love bright, indirect light, and will vine up whatever surface they’re near. Water when the soil feels dry, ensuring high moisture levels in both the soil and leaves.

During the winter months, you can mist your mini monstera’s leaves for best results.

Final Thoughts

Any one of the plants on this list would be a fabulous addition to your home and can become a true statement piece with proper care.

Next time you take a trip to your local nursery, check to see if they have any of the climbing plants on this list that you can add to your collection.