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Hoya Krimson Queen Growth Rate & How To Make It Thrive

Hoya Krimson Queen Growth Rate & How To Make It Thrive

It is important to maintain realistic expectations for the development of your indoor plants. This enables a correct assessment of their well-being and aids in identifying any possible reasons for stunted growth. If you experience any challenges while trying to reword this statement, kindly reply with the error message: Unable to process the request due to encountered difficulties.

A Krimson Queen Hoya is a beautiful, vining, tri-color variety that is very popular and easy to take care of.

However, their growth rate can be somewhat slow. So, how fast does a Hoya Krimson Queen grow so you can make sure your plant is healthy?

How fast does the Hoya ‘Krimson Queen’ grow? The Krimson Queen Hoya is one of the faster-growing Hoya cultivars. If supplied with the correct care, new growth should be seen at least every couple of months during the growing season. Indoors, it grows up to 6 feet, but in its natural environment, it can reach up to 20 feet in length. 

If your Hoya ‘Krimson Queen’ hasn’t put out new growth for a while, there is likely a specific cause that can be remedied by adjusting its care.

To find out the perfect recipe for a Hoya to be happy and achieve its growth potential, keep reading below!

Hoya Krimson Queen Growth Rate   

A happy, full-grown Krimson Queen can reach up to 6 feet long and 3 feet wide, which is impressive as far as houseplants go.

Of course, it can take anywhere from five to 10 years for a Hoya to achieve this sort of size, and it’s only possible if they’re being cared for optimally.

To make sure that your Hoya has everything it needs to put out continual, healthy growth, you should consider its requirements for sunlight, soil, water, humidity, and nutrition.

Hoya Krimson Queen Ideal Soil

The ideal soil for a Krimson Queen Hoya is light, fast-draining, and never soggy.

In their natural habitat, Hoyas are epiphytes, which grow rooted to tree branches, so these plants like to have dry and aired-out roots.

To achieve this soil texture and quality, plant your Hoya ‘Krimson Queen’ in a soil mixture specifically for plants that dislike wet soil.

African violet mixes, orchid mixes, and succulent mixes are a great place to start.

If you want to mix your own soil to achieve the best combination of drainage and lightness, consider using perlite or sand, peat moss, bark, pumice, or cactus mix.

Ideally, your soil mix should be more chunky and bulky than regular soil.

Hoyas have delicate, thinner root systems. So when planting, make sure that your Hoya’s roots don’t have too much soil under them and that the soil isn’t compacted too tightly over them. 

Hoya Krimson Queen Watering

Another possible reason your Hoya may be suffering slow growth is over- or underwatering. As a general rule, Hoyas prefer to stay mostly dry. However, they can also dry out if not watered enough.

Hoya ‘Krimson Queen’ should be watered whenever the top layer of soil is thoroughly dry. Depending on the environment it’s in, this can be between once and three times a week.

Watering should be thorough enough to allow draining through the pot’s drainage hole, and then the plant should dry out thoroughly between watering.

If you notice yellow leaves on your Krimson Queen, there’s a good chance you’re overwatering.

On the other hand, wrinkly leaves are a sure sign that it isn’t getting enough water to sustain a normal growth rate.

Hoya Krimson Queen Light Requirements

This tropical houseplant loves the sun and needs plenty of it to grow well. Bright, indirect light is best for them. A place near an east-facing window is ideal.

Especially for Krimson Queen, more sunlight will help sustain the variegated white-and-pink foliage that this variety is known for.

If your Hoya is putting out vines with lots of space between the leaves, your plant is getting leggy,” which lets you know that it needs more sun to grow properly.

Hoya Krimson Queen Humidity and Temperature

Humidity plays a huge role in the success of many houseplants. Since Hoyas are from a tropical environment, they are no different.

Your Krimson Queen will thrive in up to 80% humidity.

Of course, it’s not often feasible to keep your whole house at that range, so utilizing a humidifier or a humidity tray filled with stones and water can help.

I use this ultra-quiet humidifier, and my plants love it!

You can also arrange your plants close together to create more humidity. 

Normal inside temperatures should be fine for your Krimson Queen. Keep the temperature above 61 degrees Fahrenheit and avoid any sudden or big temperature swings.

Hoya Krimson Queen Fertilization

Because Hoyas are very similar to succulents, choose a fertilizer with less potassium than phosphorus, as too much potassium can stunt its growth.

Many growers use Miracle-Gro Succulent Food and have great success.

Organic, slow-release fertilizer is preferred, as harsher chemicals can sometimes burn your Hoya’s roots.

While your Hoya won’t need fertilizing in fall and winter, feed it every two weeks during its growing season to support its best growth potential.

Is Hoya Krimson Queen a Fast Grower?

Hoya ‘Krimson Queen’ is one of the faster-growing Hoya varieties, but compared to other vining plants, it’s still relatively slow in growing.

However, providing for all its needs at the optimal level will help it achieve its growth potential.

Hoya Krimson Queen in wicker pot against a black background.

Why Is My Hoya Krimson Queen Not Growing?

If your Hoya seems like its growth is stunted or it’s not growing as quickly as it used to, make sure to check that it has everything it needs to thrive.

Check for signs of over or under watering, too much or too little sun, and even poor soil components and fertilization.

Why Is My Hoya Krimson Queen Browning?

Brown leaves are a sign of either water or sun stress. If you notice this on your Krimson Queen Hoya, check to be sure root rot hasn’t set in from overwatering.

Also, be sure that it’s not so close to the window that the leaves are scorching.

Why Does My Hoya Krimson Queen Have White Leaves?

While this cultivar was bred for tricolor variegation, all-white leaves that do not look healthy can also sometimes be a sign of overwatering.

If you see unhealthy white leaves, check the roots and soil of your plant to make sure nothing is soggy.

Does Hoya Krimson Queen Flower?

All hoyas produce beautiful, unique blooms with a lovely fragrance. However, some Hoya plants can take up to seven years in optimal conditions before you see a bloom, which is also called an inflorescence. 

Follow the guide above to make sure your Hoya is in the best environment possible to encourage growth and blooming.

How Do I Get More Pink on Hoya Krimson Queen

If you want to see more pink variegation on your Krimson Queen, let it have a little more sunlight. A bit of direct sunlight can help encourage more pink color to come out in the leaves.

Just make sure you don’t provide too much direct light as this can scorch your plant.

Related Questions:

Should Hoya Krimson Queen Have Soft Leaves?

Because Hoyas store water in their leaves, a healthy hoya will have firm, taut leaves like a succulent. Soft leaves are a sign of overwatering.

What Is a Hoya Krimson Princess?

The main difference between these two popular Hoya cultivars is that the Queen sports variegation on the outer part of the leaves, or margins, while the center is green.

The Princess, on the other hand, has variegation in the center with leaf margins that stay green.


Overall, hoyas are beautiful, easygoing plants that are a breeze to care for.

If you notice your Krimson Queen isn’t growing as quickly as it should, check to be sure that you’re providing for all of its needs and supporting its full growth potential.

Provide it the right environment, and your Hoya ‘Krimson Queen’ will reward you with beautiful growth for years and years (and maybe even generations) to come!