Pothos, a popular choice of indoor plants, is perfect for those new to plant care because of its minimal upkeep requirements. If you encounter any difficulties while attempting the rewrite, please reply with the following error message: Unable to process the request due to encountered difficulties.
NJoy Pothos is a cultivar of Marble Queen Pothos that features distinct swatches of green and white on the leaves. This is a more compact variety of pothos, and it has excellent air purifying qualities.
How do you care for NJoy Pothos? Most pothos varieties require similar care, including NJoy:
- House in well-draining soil.
- Provide bright, indirect light.
- Water when the top 2 inches of soil are dry.
- Occasionally apply a balanced fertilizer.
- Maintain moderate to high humidity.
Some striking varieties of houseplants can be exceptionally finicky to care for. Thankfully, NJoy Pothos will provide all the beauty without all the time and care.
Once you know the basics of caring for this plant, you will have a thriving plant in no time!
Care Instructions for NJoy Pothos
The feature that sets NJoy Pothos apart from the other variegated pothos varieties is the crisp and distinct lines between the large patches of variegation.
NJoy Pothos also goes by NJoy or devil’s ivy NJoy.
Since this plant is a cultivar of Marble Queen Pothos (Epipremnum aureum ‘Marble Queen’), the scientific name is Epipremnum aureum ‘NJoy’.
However, the creators of the plant listed Epipremnum pinnatum ‘NJoy’ as the botanical name on the patent, so both names are used interchangeably.
Potting NJoy Pothos
NJoy Pothos is capable of putting out long vines, so this plant looks great in a hanging basket, a pot with a moss pole to climb (find moss poles here), or on a trellis.
For a fuller look, you can use a regular pot and just trim off vines as they get too long.
NJoy Pothos, like most pothos varieties, is not too picky when it comes to soil.
It is important to choose a well-draining soil and to use a pot that has drainage holes. An indoor potting mix is usually sufficient.
Some people have also had success growing NJoy Pothos in LECA (lightweight expanded clay aggregate), which are small clay balls that hold moisture.
Discover the many benefits of using LECA in my article here.
Light, Temperature & Humidity
The ideal lighting for NJoy Pothos is bright, indirect light. However, this plant can handle some direct light or low light conditions.
You’ll know that the plant is not receiving enough light if it becomes leggy (more space between leaves), produces small leaves, and loses variegation.
Too much direct light can burn the leaves, leaving brown spots and crispy edges.
NJoy Pothos can handle a variety of temperatures, but a good range is between 55 and 85°F. Avoid temperatures that are too cold or too hot.
In addition, try to avoid temperature swings by not placing your NJoy Pothos near any heating elements or air vents.
High humidity is always preferred by tropical plants, but it is not necessary for a healthy NJoy Pothos plant.
Ambient room humidity is usually sufficient, but you should use a humidifier if you live in a dry climate.
This ultra-quiet model is perfect for plants because the nozzle rotates so you can accurately direct the mist.
An ideal location for your NJoy Pothos is in a kitchen or bathroom because these rooms have naturally higher humidity and warmer temperatures.
As long as there is a bright light source for the plant, it will thrive.
Water and Fertilization
NJoy Pothos needs moderate watering. Check the soil before you water, and only add water when the top 2 inches of soil are dry.
For most climates, this will mean watering once a week during the growing season. It is important to avoid over-watering, which can cause damage to the roots and increase the risk of root rot.
This plant is a light feeder, so you will only need to apply fertilizer once a month during the growing season. Use a balanced houseplant fertilizer, like this liquid organic food.
Do not water during the winter when the plant stops growing.
Repotting and Pruning
NJoy Pothos is considered a slow-grower, especially when compared to other pothos varieties. You will most likely only need to repot once every couple of years.
The best time to repot is in the spring or summer when the plant is already in its growing phase.
To repot NJoy Pothos, remove the old soil from the roots and place the plant in a pot that is 2 inches larger than the previous pot. Add new potting mix around the roots and continue until the pot is nearly full.
Water thoroughly and return the plant to bright, indirect light.
Pruning is only necessary to change the shape of the plant. Pruning the long vines will help you achieve a fuller looking plant because it encourages branched growth.
NJoy Pothos Propagation
This plant is very easy to propagate through stem cuttings. The cuttings can be grown in either soil or water.
Use clean scissors to trim off a section of stem that includes a couple of leaves and at least one node. Place the node in the water or soil.
If propagating in water, you will want to wait until the roots are 2-3 inches long before transferring to soil.
If propagating in soil, gently tug up on the plant every couple days to see if roots have developed. Once you get resistance from the plant, roots are established.
Is NJoy Pothos Variegated?
NJoy Pothos is a variegated pothos cultivar. The variegation includes defined patches of white and green.
How To Keep Variegation in NJoy Pothos
Keeping an overall healthy plant is important to maintain variegation. Light is the most influential factor for maintaining beautiful and balanced variegation.
Too little light will cause the plant to put out more green on the leaves or revert back to completely green leaves.
Is NJoy Pothos Slow Growing?
NJoy Pothos is considered a slow-growing plant, especially when compared to other varieties of pothos which grow very quickly.
In addition, variegated cultivars of houseplants tend to grow slower than the non-variegated varieties because they have less chlorophyll to complete photosynthesis.
Why Is My Pothos NJoy Not Growing?
There are a number of reasons why your pothos NJoy may have stopped growing:
- It is winter and the plant has gone dormant.
- The plant is pot bound and needs to be repotted.
- Your plant is in low light and needs to be moved to bright, indirect light.
- You plant is receiving too much or too little water.
- The soil is devoid of nutrients and needs an added fertilizer.
NJoy Pothos vs. Pearls and Jade
Pearls and Jade Pothos is another cultivar of Marble Queen Pothos that was created through selective breeding in a lab.
The variegation on Pearls and Jade has cream or yellow patches with green splotches and speckles throughout. Pearls and Jade also has thicker, waxier leaves than NJoy.
Is Glacier Pothos the Same as NJoy?
NJoy and Glacier are two different, but similar, cultivars of pothos. Glacier Pothos has less defined edges between the light and green patches of variegation on the leaves.
Are NJoy Pothos Rare?
NJoy Pothos is not a rare plant. It can be found for sale online and in stores at nurseries and garden centers.
Can NJoy Pothos Have Speckles?
NJoy Pothos should not have speckles. It was created to have distinctive, large patches of white and green variegation.
Can NJoy Pothos Live in Water?
NJoy Pothos can live exclusively in water. This is a great plant for hydroponic and aquaponic setups because it will still need nutrients to grow, which these systems provide.
Expect the plant to grow slower than it would if it was planted in soil.
Common Problems (and Solutions) with NJoy Pothos
Proper care of your NJoy Pothos is easy to achieve, and you will be rewarded with a beautiful, healthy plant. The distinctive patches of white and green will spruce up any space in your home.