The Manujula Pothos, a plant with delicate, heart-shaped leaves, flourishes in the hot and humid climate of the Solomon Islands.
Situated in the Pacific Ocean just south of the equator, this plant is used to the rainy, humid conditions of the rain forest.
Slow growing and dead easy to care for, this tropical beauty has entwined its tendrils around the hearts of plant lovers everywhere.
The plant is excellent for beginners as it requires little attention and readily forgives plant parents for a little underwatering.
How do you care for Manjula Pothos? Provide the plant with bright indirect light. Fertilize every two weeks in the growing season. The soil should drain well and have a neutral pH of 6.1-6.5. Keep soil moist but not overly wet. Prune regularly to maintain shape and control growth. The ideal temperature range is 70 to 90℉.
If you want to create a spot of vibrant indoor color without the hassle of caring for an indoor diva, look no further than the Manjula Pothos.
Read on to discover how easy it is to keep your Manjula Pothos healthy and happily growing.
Care Guide for Manjula Pothos
The Manjula Pothos or Epipremnum aureum ‘Manjula’ is also known as the Epipremnum Happy Leaf and is a member of the Araceae family.
This tropical evergreen is also commonly known as Devil’s Ivy Happy Leaf and Manjula Money Plant. Although easy to care for, you need to follow some basic guidelines to ensure a thriving Manjula.
At a Glance
Pothos Manjula’s Appearance
The foliage of the Pothos Manjura is unique to each plant. Pattern and coloring can vary from dark green, blotchy blobs to lighter green spots and freckles against a strikingly white background.
In addition, the leaves are heart shaped with a distinct wavy edge which sets it apart from its doppelganger, the Pearl and Jade Pothos.
Potting Manjula Pothos
The Manjula is slow growing; however, the plant can become rootbound and require repotting over time.
Also, when you initially purchase your new Manjula plant, the nursery container may already be a little too tight. Check that the roots are not peeping through the container’s drainage holes or showing above the soil line.
When potting the Manjula, follow the below steps.
- Select a container one size larger than the current one.
- Ensure the container has adequate drainage holes.
- Fill with good quality potting soil with a neutral pH of 6-6.5.
- An excellent homemade potting mix contains two parts peat moss and one part perlite.
- Remove the plant from its old container, and gently detangle the roots.
- Place the root ball in the new container, and fill it with fresh soil.
- Position the plant in bright light, and water thoroughly.
Manjula Pothos Light Requirements
Keeping the plant’s dazzling foliage filled with color requires a balance of low light and bright light.
Too much direct sunlight can scorch the sensitive white leaves, while too little light can reduce the leaf variegation.
Place the plant on a windowsill and shield from direct light with a sheer curtain or blind.
Watering & Fertilizing Manjula Pothos
The Happy Leaf or Manjura Pothos is quite tolerant of drought conditions. Therefore, forgetful plant parents will be readily forgiven if their watering schedule is somewhat sporadic.
However, the type of water you use for Manjula is quite important as it is picky and prefers bottled water to tap water.
Alternatively, you can allow the tap water to stand for 24 hours so the chlorine can dissipate naturally before using it on the plant.
If grown in good quality soil, the Manjula will require minimal feeding. Therefore, fertilize only during the spring and summer months with a diluted liquid fertilizer to promote growth.
Don’t apply fertilizer during the winter months as the growth rate is naturally slower in this period.
How Often Should You Water Manjula Pothos?
Indoor plants require more frequent watering than their outdoor counterparts. This is because the soil in the container dries out faster than the ground outside.
Water the Manjula Pothos every five to seven days, ensuring that the top layer of soil has dried before applying further soakings.
Temperature & Humidity Range for Manjula Pothos
Originating from the steamy and warm rain forest jungle, this plant thrives in warm temperatures and enjoys high humidity.
Therefore, it is not frost resistant and, as such, will not tolerate temperatures below 50℉ (10℃). The ideal temperature range for the Manjula is between 70 to 90℉ (21-32℃).
Humidity levels can be elevated by misting the plant regularly, using a humidifier (this is the one I use for my plants), or placing the plant near other house plants.
Alternatively, stand the plant on a pebble tray. (Here is how to make one.)
Pruning & Propagation
Although slow-growing, the Manjula requires pruning to maintain its bushy shape and remove damaged or overgrown foliage.
Using a pair of sterilized scissors, snip off the unwanted stems close to the base of the plant. Pruning should be done in the growing season so the plant can replace the leaves quickly.
The Manjula Pothos is easily propagated using stem cuttings placed in water. You will need bottled water, a clean container, sterilized scissors, and gloves.
Follow these easy steps to propagate using stem cuttings
- Fill the container with bottled water.
- Select a healthy vine with five or more leaves.
- Using the sterilized scissors, snip off the vine close to the plant base.
- Snip the individual leaves off the vine, including the leaf nodes.
- Place the cuttings into the fresh water; roots will develop in 1-2 weeks.
- When the roots have grown 1-2 inches, plant the cuttings in fresh soil.
Another way to propagate the Manjula Pothos is by division.
First, remove the plant from its container and divide the stems into equal sections using a sterilized knife. Take care that the root ball is split evenly between the stems when dividing the plant.
Next, place each section into fresh soil, and water thoroughly.
Are Manjula Pothos Rare?
Yes, this plant is quite rare and not often found in regular garden centers.
Its unique variegation, relaxed care requirements, and slow-growing tendencies are just some of the reasons why they are rare and quite expensive.
Is Manjula Pothos Slow Growing?
The Manjula Pothos is naturally slow growing due to its predominantly white leaf coloring. White leaves have less chlorophyll and subsequently produce less food leading to slower growth.
However, if not provided with the correct levels of light, water and nutrients, its slow growth rate could become more exaggerated.
Manjula Pothos vs. Marble Queen
Unlike the striking white background with splotchy green markings of the Manjula Pothos, the ‘Marble Queen’ produces deep green leaves with flecks of cream.
Manjula Pothos vs. Snow Queen
Unlike the Manjula Pothos, the ‘Snow Queen’ is nontoxic. Also native to the tropical regions of South-East Asia, its foliage is dark green and streaked with yellow or white, creating the illusion of being snow covered.
Is Manjula Pothos Toxic?
The Manjula Pothos is toxic to humans and pets. Adverse reactions include stomach pain, vomiting, drooling, and mouth sores.
In some cases ingesting the plant can lead to fatality in smaller pets. Therefore, keep the plant away from small children and pets. In addition, wear gloves or wash your hands after working with the plant.
Why Are My Manjula Pothos Leaves Turning Brown?
Two primary reasons for brown leaves are overexposure to direct light (leaf scorch) and root rot.
First, reposition the plant, ensuring the light it receives is indirect or shielded by a sheer drape or blind.
Then, gently remove the plant from its container, and check for signs of root rot, such as mushy discolored roots. Finally, using a pair of sterilized scissors, trim the infected roots, and repot in fresh soil.
Can a Manjula Pothos Revert?
If the Manjula Pothos is exposed to low light levels for an extended period, the leaf variegation on its foliage will diminish and eventually become green.
However, placing the plant in bright but indirect light will maintain its gorgeous leaf coloring.
How Long Does It Take Pothos To Root in Water?
Depending on environmental factors, such as temperature and light, the cuttings can take between 7 and 14 days to produce roots.
Change the water weekly to prevent fungi from growing, which can damage the health of the new root system.
How Long Does Manjula Pothos Grow?
Outdoor Manjula vines have been known to reach lengths of up to 40 feet, making it the perfect trailing vine plant easily trained around a trellis or even a doorway.
When grown indoors, the length of the vines can be maintained with regular pruning.
The popularity of Pothos has grown recently, with new cultivars popping up everywhere, each with unique leaf variegation, making this possibly one of the trendiest plants on the market.
This slow-growing and easy-going tropical beauty is the ultimate indoor décor focal point.
The Manjula Pothos has a lot going for it in terms of beauty and care; however, it is also an excellent air purifier removing toxins and Co2 from our indoor spaces.
By following these practical guidelines, your Manjula Pothos will trail lazily around your home even if you are a little forgetful with the watering can!
Discover more beautiful Pothos varieties to fall in love with here.