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How To Get Amaryllis To Rebloom Year After Year: Full Guide

How To Get Amaryllis To Rebloom Year After Year: Full Guide

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The Amaryllis is the only genus in the small Amarylidinae subtribe of flowering bulbs. It produces flowers in shades of apricot, pink, purple, rose, green, salmon, red, and burgundy. Please inform me if you experience any difficulties and I will assist in resolving them promptly.

The large, gorgeous blooms brighten up any room, and it’s always sad to see them fade away.

Once that happens, many people chunk the plant in the trash, but with just a little care, these plants can survive for years and continue to reward your efforts with repeated flowering.  

How do you get amaryllis to rebloom? Once amaryllis flowers fade, cut the blooms and flower stalks off 1 inch above the bulb. Allow leaves to grow, fertilize, water sparingly, and provide bright light. In early fall move plant to a cool, dark, dry location for up to 5 months. Repot and move to a bright, warm spot to encourage blooms. 

Read on below and learn all about how to get your amaryllis to rebloom!

How To Encourage Amaryllis To Bloom Again the Following Season

Encouraging amaryllis to bloom again the following season isn’t complicated; you simply need to go along with nature (or mimic it). 

The following five steps help ensure your flowers bloom again:

1. Trim It Up

The flowers need to be trimmed up as they fade as well as the stems after they no longer have flowers to support. Make sure to cut them down within an inch or so of the bulb.

That way the bulbs may store up all of the energy and nutrients they collected and use it through the winter rather than waste it on stems and dead flowers.

2. Give It Extra Sunlight

If your amaryllis is in a pot, a successful and simple trick is placing your plants somewhere they get plenty of extra sunlight.

This trick is particularly useful toward the end of the year while the plant is working on building up energy to make it through the winter. 

Also, giving your plant extra sunlight helps the bulbs weather the winter with fewer issues (practically guaranteeing that they’ll bloom next year).

3. Keep It Moist

Moisture is key when it comes to keeping amaryllis happy and healthy and encouraging it to rebloom the next year.

That means watering them regularly, even during the winter, and only allowing their soil to dry out for short periods of time between waterings. 

4. Give It Some Food

After you’ve made sure your plant is getting extra light and you’ve trimmed it up for the year, you can give it some plant food.

Something with a low-nitrogen content (5-10-10 fertilizers, for example), like this organic bloom booster, is suggested. 

The slow-release version of these low-nitrogen products is also recommended as it lasts for up to 6 to 9 months, unlike plant food that needs added weekly or monthly.

5. Allow It To Rest, Then Repot 

The fifth step that you can take to ensure that your amaryllis reblooms year after year is to allow it to rest until early fall.

Place the plant in a cool, low-light spot and refrain from watering it to encourage the plant to go dormant.

In early fall, repot the amaryllis to rejuvenate the soil and spur growth.

To do so, simply remove the plant from its pot, using a butter knife around the edge of the container, and lift its root ball up and out. 

Using a slightly larger pot, replant the amaryllis after knocking some of the old soil loose and replacing it with organic compost or fresh flower potting soil.

Move the plant to a well-lit area and lightly water occasionally until new growth appears, at which time you may resume an ordinary watering schedule.

Getting Amaryllis To Rebloom Common Questions 

There are many common questions that gardeners have about growing amaryllis. I’ve gathered some of the most significant ones below:

Will Amaryllis Bulbs Multiply?

Amaryllis bulbs do multiply, though it takes a few years for the new bulbs to grow into a decent size. These new bulbs show up directly beside the mother bulbs and are known as “daughter” bulbs.

Many people don’t realize it, but amaryllis bulbs that are taken care of extremely well may last for up to 75 years!

Why Is My Amaryllis Not Blooming?

If your amaryllis isn’t blooming, there are a few basic causes that may be your issue.

You may be overwatering, underwatering, or not feeding the plant with plant food when leaves are present. It may also be that the plant is receiving too little light. 

The best course of action for amaryllis that isn’t blooming is to basically start over: stop watering them, force dormancy, place them in new pots, and care for them as per the recommended guidelines.

Try placing them in a new location the following year if you did not see success with the previous spot.

Can I Put My Amaryllis Outside?

Amaryllis grow well outside during the spring and the summer but don’t fair as well outdoors during the autumn and winter.

If you do place your amaryllis outside , make sure that it is protected and isn’t in direct sunlight all day long.

You also need to keep the soil hydrated and avoid allowing it to dry out.

Do I Have To Let My Amaryllis Go Dormant?

Technically speaking, amaryllis doesn’t need to go through a dormant period like many other bulbs. If they continue to grow and are given proper care, amaryllis will keep on blooming year after year.

That said, amaryllis bulbs may also be forced into dormancy if you wish (just move them into a dark area for around 10 weeks).

Can I Force My Amaryllis for Christmas?

It is possible to force amaryllis into blooming for Christmas, but only if you force the bulbs into dormancy earlier than they would typically be. 

That means you’ll need to bring them inside towards the end of September or the beginning of October and put them in a cool place with little sunlight.

Stop feeding them a month or two before you bring them inside.

Related Questions: 

What Is the Best Fertilizer for Amaryllis?

The best fertilizer (NPK) for amaryllis is either 5-10-10 or 0-10-10. These particular fertilizer mixes are low on nitrogen and focus on helping plants bloom.

Slow-release products are preferred as they last for at least 6 months.

Do Amaryllis Need Full Sun?

Amaryllis do need sun, but they don’t necessarily need full sun. If they are placed in the full sun, make sure it isn’t for more than a few hours at a time.

That way the plant may absorb plenty of energy and store it but avoid being burned or dried out too quickly.

A Final Word About Getting Amaryllis to Rebloom Year After Year

The best way to get your amaryllis to keep blooming year after year is by pampering it a bit and mimicking its natural growth cycle.

Make sure it is always in optimal conditions, help it recover when it is in need, repot it each year, and don’t forget to feed it some bloom boosters!