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Lipstick plants are lovely and distinct indoor plants that bloom abundantly when cared for properly. However, some individuals may struggle with getting these peculiar plants to flower.
With just a few tips and tricks, you’ll be handsomely rewarded with continuous flowers.
How do I get my lipstick plant to flower? Providing lots of bright, indirect light is critical to encourage lipstick plant flowering. Also, use a light soil, fertilize routinely, allow the soil to dry before watering, treat for pests and disease, let the plant be rootbound, keep temperatures consistent, and don’t prune before flowering.
Lipstick plants are very sensitive to cold, so if you’re from somewhere that’s on the chillier side, you may not have an ideal environment for your plant to flower.
But, there’s still much more to learn. With a few helpful tips and tricks, you’ll find it much easier to keep your plant flourishing and flowering throughout the seasons. Let’s get started.
8 Tricks To Get Your Lipstick Plant To Flower
With these easy tricks (alongside its basic care) your plant will be sure to impress with its tubular flowers and green foliage.
Provide Plenty of Bright Light
Bright sunlight is extremely important for your lipstick plant; it will not begin to flower without it.
This begs the question: Where can I place my plant so it can receive the ideal amount of sunlight?
I highly recommend potting your plant in a hanging basket and putting it up near a south- or west-facing window.
The window must have a sheer curtain to protect the plant from harsh light. The curtain will be sure to prevent your foliage from burning and drying out while also providing it with a sufficient amount of sun.
Let Soil Dry Slightly Between Waterings
Lipstick plants do best when the time between waterings is spread out. You should allow the top few inches of soil to dry out in between watering.
To tell if your plant needs more water, you can lift its pot to see if it feels light. You can even dip your finger into the soil to determine its level of moisture.
Fertilize Routinely
When it comes to feeding your plant, it’s best to fertilize after every four waterings. Make sure the fertilizer you’re using is labeled for houseplants. I get great results with this organic liquid concentrate.
In the colder months, fertilize less often; after every six waterings is often just about right.
Check for Pests & Disease Often
Mealybugs, spider mites, and aphids are the lipstick plants’ common pests.
It’s unlikely that a healthy plant will acquire pests, but if they become a problem, it’s recommend that you use organic pest solutions (they are safer indoors, especially if you have pets!).
Neem oil is gentle, organic, and very effective.
Each time you water your plant, be sure to inspect it for mottled lesions.
If your plant is diseased, you may see discoloration and black spots on its lower leaves. The most common disease for this plant is called Botrytis blight, a fungal problem.
To prevent this, try watering and misting in the early morning so the soil has time to dry by night.
Let the Plant Be Pot Bound Until After Flowering
Your lipstick plant blooms better when it’s rootbound, so don’t repot unless it’s an emergency. You want to give your plant a chance to become stronger.
Use a Light Soil That Drains Quickly
Use a light, airy houseplant soil that will allow excess water to drain without struggle. If you have the habit of over-watering your plants, consider adding pumice to your soil for extra drainage.
Only Prune After Flowering – Not Before
Flower buds develop on the growth from the plant’s previous year, so it’s best to hold off on pruning until after your plant begins flowering.
Once you have your flowers, you can prune the plant by trimming any long, straggly vines.
Keep Temperature Consistent
Lipstick plants thrive at a temperature between 70 and 80℉. If the temperature drops below 70℉, flowering may come to a halt or slow down exponentially.
If the temperature surrounding your plant drops to 50℉, the plant will chill, putting a stop to all potential growth until the temperature rises.
Additional Tips for Growing Lipstick Plants
There are a couple of tips that experienced lipstick plant owners use to further promote plant health and lovely blooms.
Put these to use along with exceptional care, and you should start noticing an improvement in your plant’s appearance and productivity.
Because lipstick plants thrive in humid environments, occasional misting with a spray bottle can promote flowering.
If temperatures become hotter than 80℉ or your home is on the dry side, consider breaking out the spray bottle in the morning and misting the leaves.
Empty the Catch Saucer
It’s important to empty the catch saucer beneath your lipstick plant each time you water it.
If you forget to empty it, the water may soak back up into the soil and overwater the roots. Forgetting to empty the saucer can also potentially promote fungal growth.
Related Questions:
What To Do if Plants Are Not Flowering?
The main issues surrounding lipstick plants not flowering are typically lack of light and fertilizer. Move your plant to a brighter area (or purchase a grow light).
If you’ve never fertilized your plant before, your best bet is to find a weak liquid fertilizer or dilute a general-purpose fertilizer to half strength.
How Can You Propagate Lipstick Plant?
To propagate your lipstick plant, cut around 4 inches off of a new vine with no buds or flowers. For the best results, use a rooting hormone on the cut end of the stem.
Next, you can plant the stem in a tiny pot with moist soil. Keep the pot away from direct sunlight, and wait for it to grow roots. This can take up to 4 to 6 weeks.
To check if your stem has developed roots, tug it gently to see if it’ll slide out of the soil.
In Conclusion
You now know exactly what’s needed to get your lipstick plant to flower!
A lipstick plant is a wonderful, decorative addition to any household plant collection. If you follow the tips and tricks outlined above, your lipstick plant will be blooming in no time.
Once you see those beautifully colored buds forming, you’ll know this plant was well worth the effort!